Telestream & G-Tech Workflow Event

Key Code Media’s Burbank Technology Center will host Telestream and G-Technology and a craft keg of beer, where we’ll be discussing some incredibly powerful workflows to automate commercial and promotional spot production as well automation for marketing to drive video on your social media platforms.

We’ll be highlighting Telestream Vantage with Post Producer, Vantage Social Media Connector Post Producer and their GPU accelerated Lightspeed server.

We’ll also be checking out the G-RACK 12 high-performance NAS from G-Technology which is a turnkey, fully-operational storage solution that’s ready to use on your network.

Stop on by Key Code Media for a cold brew and some cool social media video solutions.

Thursday 10th August 2017

Telestream Post Producer is designed to automate repetitive editing tasks for creating numerous iterations of promos, packaged content and VoD deliverables.

At the heart of Post Producer is a special set of Vantage Actions which are used to turn templates, which can be exported from Adobe Premiere CC, Apple Final Cut Pro 7 or Avid Media Composer 8, into automated processes that can produce outputs that contain multi-layered video compositions, with transition and image effects, graphic overlays, and conformed audio that are ready for distribution as high-quality output formats or transcoded to any available Vantage format.

One of these actions, the Conform Action, accepts a specialized XML format called the Content Markup Language (CML). A CML ­describes source media, video timelines, effects and layers. These are fully conformed by Vantage Post Producer to produce output media ­in high-quality output formats that can be distributed or transcoded to any available Vantage format.

For enterprise broadcasters, corporate AV and organizations, Vantage for Social Media provides all of the tools necessary to prepare and deliver video to multiple social media outlets simultaneously including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Vimeo.  With easy to use portal’s Vantage Social Media bridges the gap between video professionals and marketing teams so each can concentrate on where their skills are best needed;  easily editing videos, assembling multiple clips, producing proxies and social media metadata, adding branding graphics, messaging, tweets and other content.